Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice in Strayer University

Crime has changed. It has no borders. It threatens to enter every part of our lives. So crime prevention and criminal investigation have changed, too. A Strayer bachelor's degree in criminal justice combines traditional study of criminology and criminal behavior with practical, modern skills like crime mapping, report writing and forensics.
Today, many police and corrections agencies require education beyond their entrance exams. You can develop the communications skills, information literacy, abstract thinking, and critical analysis that will allow you to take the next step in the criminal justice system. Advance your career in fraud detection, juvenile crime, computer forensics or any one of a number of emerging criminal justice specialties with a Strayer degree.
With a bachelor of science degree in criminal justice, you will gain an in-depth understanding of criminal behavior and its impact on society; examine how police, courts, corrections and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security work to prevent and control adult and juvenile crime locally, nationally and internationally; and apply insight and analysis from various disciplines to help detect, prevent, solve and prosecute crime.
Become an authority on the operational and technical aspects of the criminal justice process and it's components, including law enforcement, corrections and the courts
Learn evidence-based techniques for preventing crime, as well as how to investigate crime and its global impact
Learn what causes crime and how it affects our society
Learn how the different arms of the U.S. criminal justice system (police, courts and corrections) work together at the federal, state and local levels to keep our society safe
Develop the critical thinking skills you need to effectively investigate crime, enforce laws and implement corrections
Refine your ability to apply ethical thinking and judgment to a wide range of criminal justice situations discussions of relevant ethical issues is included in every course
Build leadership skills that could help you stand out and advance in your career
Familiarize yourself with the increasingly complex and powerful technologies used in fighting crime

Strengthen the communication skills that you need to effectively share information, persuade others and manage conflicts

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